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Creative Force, Inc.

“The Creator Gave Us Talent As Gifts, Use Them As Gifts To Him.”

Schools and organizations seek grants, sponsor-ships, fundraise and charge fees for our services. The school can also use existing supplies towards our projects or seek donations. 


Contact us to train your staff with Professional Development on How to Infuse the Arts into Every Classroom and Subject!  Also ask for a list or roster of our Art Specialists & their Residency Activities.  Creative Force offers programs in Art, Music, Drama, Dance, Creative Writing, Fencing, Debate, Chess, Rites of Passage for Boys & Girls & Much More!!!  Bring in one of our Programs into your school or organization to ensure the Arts are in our community to stay!  Contact us at:

Our program has been recognized on the Paterson Public Schools District HiLites webpage. Take a further look by clicking on the link below and scrolling down to Effective Academic Programs:

Creative Arts In Education

Why does this program exist?

With the arts being taken out of the school curriculum, failing test scores and schools not meeting proficiency goals, we aim to provide a solution to both problems.

What is this program supposed to do?


  • Make the arts basic to education by allowing learners to engage in and reflect on the creative process

  • Is site-based and planned collaboratively by your staff and our artist

  • Is based on your school or program’s needs and goals as determined by the site

  • Serves as professional development for teachers and staff

  • Challenges the site with new skills and knowledge to move beyond its current practice via the arts & culture

  • Is transformative for all involved

  • Supports the Core Curriculum Standards in the Visual and Performing Arts and both Math & Language Arts Literacy

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