Creative Force, Inc.
“The Creator Gave Us Talent As Gifts, Use Them As Gifts To Him.”
Questions , Concerns, Inquires

Mr. Fabor Muhammad is a Paterson native who overcame the challenging environment of an upbringing in an urban city housing development. He believes in cultivating the inner gifts that human beings have to offer society. He does this by providing arts enrichment and empowering workshops in the community and through his work in the Paterson Public Schools System. He has also worked for several years at the Paterson’s YMCA as a life skills counselor for teenage youth who are in DYFS. His work there was so impressive that the agency frequently retains him as a consultant to offer his courses to various youth programs to prepare them for higher learning and setting career objectives.
For Mr. Fabor Muhammad, the desire to elevate people especially our youth is a passionate motivation. After one semester, he withdrew from a Masters of Architecture Program at NJIT because he wanted to build people more than he wanted to build buildings! His work experience as a counselor, teacher and coach has increased both his zeal and effectiveness toward his said objective. As a result of passion, dedication and hard work he was honored for the NJ Governor’s 2005 Teacher of the Year Award and Who’s Who among America’s Teachers 2005-06.
Mr. Fabor Muhammad is also a talented visual artist, creative writer, model and actor.
He is the Founder and Director of the Creative Force Alliance for Education through Arts & Culture, and a new grassroots community arts program called the ARC (Arts Reforming Communities).
His work has appeared in various art exhibits in New York City including “Art Off the Main” and the “Harlem Fine Art Show.” Annually he curates his own group exhibition for Black Fine Artist called, “The Rising Phoenix!” He is, also the proud illustrator of the children’s book, “Enough of Frankie Already.” A children’s book about bullying.
Mr. Fabor Muhammad has appeared in two films, “Life Outside of Pearl” starring Jimmie Jean-Louis and “Umi” directed by Jamarl Hall. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts. He received additional training at two renowned institutions in New York City… the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Currently he holds a Master of Arts in Educational Administration from Caldwell College.
He looks forward to sharing his knowledge, skill and talent with you.